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tren info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888
tren info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888

Library Regulation

 Library Management
Library Directive

Article 1 – This Directive has been issued in order to determine the organization, duties and working principles of the University of City Island Library and the unit libraries to be established in the future depending on this library.

Article 2 – This Directive covers the University of City Island Library and the unit libraries to be established in connection with this library in the future.

a. University: University of City Island ,
b. Rectorate/Rectorate Office: The Rectorate of University of City Island ,
c. Library Management: University of City Island Library Management,
d. Central Library: The library that serves the whole of University of City Island ,
e. Material: All kinds of materials that can be used in libraries,
f. User/Reader: Persons who can benefit from libraries within the framework of this directive,
g. Lending Unit: The place where long-term lending transactions are carried out,
h. Reserve: The place where the information resources are located, which are lent for a short time,
i. System: Library automation system,
j. Member: Refers to undergraduate and graduate students (including international exchange students), academic and administrative staff working at or retiring from AKU, those with “additional duty” status, researchers.



Article 3 – This Directive has been prepared on the basis of Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
Article 4 – University of City Island Library is a central unit established to provide and provide library services that are necessary for the education, training and scientific research of the University.
Article 5 – In this Directive;


General Rules

a. In order to benefit from the services, a university ID card must be shown, no transactions can be made without a card.

b. At the entrance of the library, in order to protect the library material, the bags and similar items of the users can be checked by the library staff when necessary.

c. Food and beverages should not be entered (except bottled water), tobacco products should not be smoked.

d. No library materials can be taken out until the borrowing procedures are completed in accordance with the rules and/or without permission.

e. It should be aware that the library is monitored by security cameras.

f. The placement of the books on the shelves is done by the staff. Books taken from the shelves need to be left on the tables.

g. Borrowing and refund procedures are completed 15 minutes before the library closes.

h. Computers in the library are used only for educational and research purposes.

i. Group work should not be done at tables, quiet work should be done and behaviors that will disturb other users should be avoided.

j. Tables and chairs should be used where they are located and should not be moved to other areas.

k. “No space holding” in work areas. It is necessary to leave the work tables with personal belongings.

l. In case of non-compliance with the library rules, the user is obliged to take into account the warnings of the library staff.

m. The mobile phone should be put into silent position and should not be spoken to in the library.

n. All places should be kept clean, garbage should be thrown into the trash.

h. Personal belongings should not be left unattended, the library is not responsible for lost items. The items left inside at the closing time of the library are delivered to the security unit.

p. Any accidents, physical property damage and safety problems witnessed should be reported to the library authority immediately.

Article 7 – The necessary issues and rules regarding copyrights are stated below.
Copyright is protected within the borders of Turkey by the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. This Act restricts the use of copyrighted works other than copyright holders.
Unauthorized copying or reproduction of copyrighted works is intended to violate the legal rights of the copyright owner or affiliated rights holders.
University of City Island accepts as a rule of conduct that the original or copy of any work, including textbooks, should not be reproduced or reproduced by any form or method outside the limits of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works.