tren +90 (548) 829 8888
tren +90 (548) 829 8888

Faculty of Pharmacy

You have many reasons to choose our faculty. Because we;

With our young and dynamic academic staff,
With our student clubs, we add color to education by organizing social events, congresses and career days that include professional themes.
With our leading role in clinical pharmacy education in the TRNC, we are proud to have this field.
With the Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Second Education Non-Thesis Master’s degree programs, we offer the opportunity to those working in the pharmaceutical industry, hospital pharmacists and freelance pharmacists the opportunity to receive training without interrupting their jobs.  
We teach courses such as drug metabolism, cosmetology, communication skills that we have started to see in the pharmacy curriculum in recent years.
In our Application Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care Unit, which has been renewed in accordance with modern pharmacy practices, we offer our students the opportunity to do patient-oriented pharmacy internship.

What Does Pharmacist Mean?

The pharmacist is obliged to prepare and sell medicines prescribed by doctors and other health professionals and to inform patients about the use of medications.




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Faculty Contact information

Faculty of Pharmacy

Sakarya Mah. Kurtuluş Sokak No:21/A Gazimağusa-KKTC

+90 (548) 829 8888

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Eczacılık Fakültesi

Eczacılık ve sağlık sektörünün, eczacılara gereksinim duyduğu her alanda nitelikli insan gücünü yetiştirmek fakültemizin hedefidir. Eczacılık; ilaçların analiz yöntemleri, farmakolojik etkisinin devamlılığı, ilacın hastaya sunulması, emniyet, etkinlik ve maliyet bakımından en iyi biçimde kullanılması amacıyla gözetimi, ilaç kullanımı sonucu gerek birey gerekse toplum ölçeğinde ortaya çıkan çok yönlü sorunlara çözüm getirilmesinin esaslarını belirleyen, ilacı hastalara sunmanın yanında sağlığın geliştirilmesi ve hastalığın rehabilite edilmesi noktasındaki tüm görev, yetki, sorumluluk ve işlevlerdir.