en info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888
en info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888


As University of City Island, we provided a solution to the gym problems of our school basketball teams in Famagusta by allocating our gym to them. Our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr., who provided them with all kinds of opportunities. Dr. We would like to thank Talip Emiroğlu.
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To Dr. Talip Emiroğlu, chairman of the board of trustees of Kocaeli Health and Technology University and Cyprus Ada Kent University, He was given the Educator of the Year award by Gentleman Magazine. Speaking at the ceremony attended by leading representatives of each sector, Dr. Talip Emiroğlu said: “Trainer; He is a soldier, a soldier...
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