The 2023 academic year graduation ceremony of our university’s Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Education was held. Our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Talip Emiroğlu, President of All Private Educational Institutions Association and President of Final Educational Institutions Mr. İbrahim Taşel, Mayor of Famagusta Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, our Rector...Read More
Our university’s Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Dentistry first and second year students wore their white coats in a ceremony. Speaking at the ceremony, our Chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Talip Emiroğlu said, “White coats symbolize trust, diligence, sacrifice and pride.” Our Rector Prof. Dr. Bilgin Giray also emphasized...Read More
A very comprehensive agreement was signed between Cyprus Ada Kent University and Uzbekistan Zarmed University. The agreement, signed by Zarmed University President Mr. Dilshod Şukurlayev, Ada Kent University President Mr. Talip Emiroğlu and our rector Prof. Dr. Bilgin Giray at the ceremony in Famagusta, mainly covers the Dentistry and Medical Faculties and hospitals. Following the...Read More
3 Oturum gerçekleşen Sempozyumda ; 1.Oturum: Oturum Başkanı: Prof.Dr.Pervin -(Arb.Ayşe Dilek Ergüler) Eşler Arasındaki Mal Varlığı ve Boşanma Davalarında Aile Arabulucuğu Uygulamaları -(Doç.Dr.Yasemin Güllüoğlu) Aile Arabuluculuğu Türk Medeni Kanunu Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi -(Arb.Şebnem Akçınar) Aile Arabuluculuğunun Ebeveyn Yabancılaştırma Sendromunun Çözüm Yolları Somer 2.Oturum: Oturum Başkanı:Prof.Dr.M.Serhat Sarısözen -(Prof.Dr.Pervin Somer) Güç Dengesizliğinin Aile Arabulucuğundaki Yansımaları -Prof.Dr.Cumhur Rüzgaresen...Read More