Avatar İle Sohbet
tren info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888
tren info@adakent.edu.tr +90 (548) 829 8888


Our responsibilities before and during the emergency situation:
All employees and students before the emergency;

— Examining emergency escape plans,

— Participate in exercises,

— To know and implement emergency plans,

— To participate in trainings,

– To report the negative situations they see and know,

– When an emergency occurs, first of all, to ensure their own health and safety,


If a high-vibrational earthquake has occurred that could cause serious damage, try to leave the building you are in quickly. You may also need to leave the campus to ensure a safe evacuation. First, unite at the designated temporary Emergency Meeting Points and head to the Campus Assembly Point with the authorized person.
Read the explanations below to get more detailed information about the Campus Evacuation Plan and what to do in the event of a concussion.


— Stay inside
— When the shaking stops, take your personal belongings if damage has occurred, and if it is safe, leave the building. Do not use elevators.
— Proceed carefully against any object that may fall.


— Stay outside until the shaking stops and squat in a safe place.
— Away from buildings, trees, electricity transmission lines and potential hazards

— They are obliged to comply with the warnings and directions of the teams in charge in case of emergency.
When you hear an emergency/drill announcement;

— When you hear the emergency/drill announcement, you should leave your area without panicking, follow the emergency escape signs and reach the nearest assembly area.

— Follow the directions of emergency crews and housekeepers.

— Follow the instructions of the officials stationed in the assembly area.

— Do not enter the building without hearing the announcement that the danger has passed.

— Be sure to share any problems you see with the relevant units.


— If safe, come to the Campus Assembly Area by following the route specified in the Campus Evacuation Plan for detailed information and guidance. If necessary, go to the nearest Emergency Meeting Point beforehand.
— Do not forget that there may be aftershocks.
— Do not enter the buildings until the necessary announcement has been made by the authorized persons.
— Don’t leave the team. Act together with the group and meet the necessary safety requirements.
— Track potential risks and notify authorized persons.
— If you leave the campus unannounced, inform the nearest person.

Some of the numbers providing emergency services in the KKTC:

155 (Police Help)
177 (Fire)
112 (Emergency Health)